End of the job as we know it?

@Bersin: "The concept of a job, as we know it, is starting to go away" and it is not the catastrophic prediction of Rifkin on the end of the work (@Amazon). This is nowdays reality coming from studies and research: job is evolving, becoming more fluid, less structured, much less based on pure competencies and knowledge (which are now commodities). It was predictable as technologies are evolving and growing fast in their abilities to aggregate, analyze and deliver information, which make large part of human jobs based on information analysis, manipulation and sharing less crucial. But also with evolution of communication technologies and habits, which allows to make the talent pool to fish much larger (and cheaper), jobs with pure knowledge content, could become a commodity: would we need more somebody who has mastery on how a logistic chain works or somebody who has proven being able to overcome issues out of increasing complexity of cost transportation? A lot of variables are embedded in every job, in every project nowadays, with thousand possibilities. And they change in the range of hours. Agility in this context is much more crucial than mastery. Innovation and networking are much more valuable than degrees and academic honors.

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