I talenti come priorita'

Della serie: facile a dirsi, ma nessuno lo fa, mckinseyquarterly.com formula una specie di "last call" sulla strategia dei talenti come priorita':
Finding and retaining talented employees is at least as challenging today as it was ten years ago. Demographic trends, globalization, and the growth of knowledge work have intensified the external pressures on companies--but many of them compound the problem by failing to make talent management a strategic priority.

L'articolo e' rivolto agli executive, ma e' utile per chiunque continui a pensare che "un interinale puo' andare bene lo stesso":

Future of workplace

Will Americans still be commuting mega miles to get to work 10, 15, or 20 years from now? Not likely, says Social Technologies' Andy Hines in an article published in the winter issue of the Career College Association's magazine The Link.

In fact, Hines believes the workforce of the future will behave very differently than the workforce we see today.

"Creativity will be valued more and as technology continues to evolve, more 'knowledge workers' will be required to fill jobs. These talented people will want to work with other talented people, and although money will be important it will become less of a differentiator. Instead, people will look for the opportunity to work with others they can learn from and successfully collaborate with."