Why Intel is investing in Social Computing

In my post Testing Business Value in Social Networking I shared our results of extensive exploration to determine if there is value in adding professional networking for employee use. The exploratory results moved us forward to creating a modular and integrated social framework to consolidate current "islands" of blogs, forums and wikis and add new capabilities such as the people connection that professional networking brings. We are 1.5 weeks away from launching the first phase of bringing robust social tools in-house to augment and improve the way our employees connect and collaborate today. I get asked a lot about "Why" we are doing this and the value we believe we will bring to Intel. I wanted to share with you the reasons.

Ne segue un articolo bello, interessante ed appassionato... uno di quelli da ritagliare per non perdere tempo a spiegare l'ovvio a chi proprio non ha orecchie. Colgo un paio di idee che bastano e avanzano: Employees Want to Put a Face to a Name, Too much time is lost to find people & information to do your job e, al solito, We reinvent the wheel over and over again.

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