generation G?

GENERATION G | "Captures the growing importance of 'generosity' as a leading societal and business mindset. As consumers are disgusted with greed and its current dire consequences for the economy—and while that same upheaval has them longing more than ever for institutions that care—the need for more generosity beautifully coincides with the ongoing (and pre-recession) emergence of an online-fueled culture of individuals who share, give, engage, create and collaborate in large numbers.

In fact, for many, sharing a passion and receiving recognition have replaced 'taking' as the new status symbol. Businesses should follow this societal/behavioral shift, however much it may oppose their decades-old devotion to me, myself and I.

Neologismi come "free-love, eco-generosity, tryvertising" sono ormai sdoganati dall'essere fenomeno di nicchia... c'e' molto da discutere sul prossimo futuro a partire da questa interessante disquisizione su Piu' che un trend: un'opportunita' da cogliere al balzo per chi volesse cimentarsi con le nuove professioni che verranno.

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