70:20:10 model at the time of social media

The 70:20:10 model [Michael M. Lombardo and Robert W. Eichinger] has helped to definitively abandon the idea of "learning happens in classrooms": according to the research, 70% of learning comes from experience, 20% from people (feedback, coaching, dialogue, confrontation) and only 10% from traditional and structured learning (training, lessons, books...).

But the theory is from the Nineties and there could be questions on how does it work in the Social Media era, when connecting with people who have the proper information and knowledge is million times easier than before. Does it change the idea of "experience"? Could it make the "people" part bigger or, even, finally merge the two and make them imnpossible to separate?

What's more effective: let a learner making experience on an issue and than provide him/her feedback or assign a challenge together with a network of people who have knowledge/infos/ideas to corroborate that experience with other experiences in real time?

I think the time could come to slightly change the paradigma and consider a 90:10 model in which experience and network come together to accellerate and square the potential learning. 

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